ALBERTO CAMPO BAEZA’s works have been widely recognized. From the single
family houses Casa Turégano and Casa de Blas, both in Madrid, to Casa Gaspar, Casa
Asencio and Casa Guerrero in Cádiz. And the Olnick Spanu House in Garrison, New
York. Or the Centro BIT in Inca-Mallorca or the Caja de Granada Savings Bank and the
MA, the Museum of Andalusian Memory, both in Granada, and a nursery for Benet-
ton in Venice. And the construction of the new Offices for Benetton in Samara, Russia, is about to begin.
And more than 20 editions of a BOOK with his texts “LA IDEA CONSTRUÍDA” [THE
BUILT IDEA] have been published in several languages. And “PENSAR CON LAS MA-
NOS”, a second compilation of his writings, just had a fourth edition.
He believes in Architecture as a BUILT IDEA. And he believes that the principle
components of Architecture are GRAVITY that constructs SPACE and LIGHT that con-
structs TIME.
He has exhibited his work in the CROWN HALL by Mies at Chicago’s IIT and at the
PALLADIO Basilica in Vicenza. And in the Urban Center In New York. And at the Saint
Irene Church in Istanbul. In 2009 the prestigious MA Gallery of Toto in Tokyo made
an anthological exhibition of his work that, in 2011 was in the MAXXI in Rome.
He doesn’t have a car, or a watch or a cell phone. And in his library there are more
books of POETRY than there are of ARCHITECTURE. And in his office there are only 3
people, all of them are wonderful. And he confesses that he is HAPPY.