Elia Felices was born in Almería (Spain) in 1973 but soon moved with his family to Barcelona. Their family environment is linked to furniture business and painting, legacy which has allowed him know the decoration market as well as develop a special passion for graphic and colour, always presented in their projects.
Despite his youth, Elia Felices has a clearly recognisable style that is balanced with the specific needs of each project a style of theatricality that reaches elegance without stopping in minimalism.
Elia is defined as a scenic interior designer, creating environments which seek to generate visual impact on the ‘Viewer’, evoking feelings of peace, relaxation, emotion… and all these in a simple and straightforward way, staging it exempted overburdened elements.
Elia’s projects do not neglect the commercial purpose, making interior design a profitable investment for their customers. They view as their businesses acquire power on brand providing added value. Proof of this are projects such as Dalai disco, New Kuvee or Finques La Llar upgrades.