BP Architectures[Plan01] is a French design company. It is composed of 10 architects: Jean Bocabeille, Anne-Cécile Comar, Philippe Croisier, Christophe Ouhayoun, Stéphane Pertusier, Lgnacio Prego, Dominique Vitti, Jean Bocabeille, Anne Zanassi, Julien Zanassi and Nicolas Ziesel.
It produced a lot of projects which are unique and spectacular. These projects often showed on exhibitions, books, web sites and some private courses.
BP Architectures[Plan01] created an unusual architects management method.
Its functional work is based on pleasant experience sharing. The activities broke the limits of respective inner agencies. They hold the debate among each group and every group have a think tank. By this way, architects can learn more about knowledge of architecture and the meaning of cooperation.