The basis for each of CUBE’s projects is a pragmatic approach in which architecture and content are strategically used. A successful project will use all the opportunities that lie within the context, whether spatial, conceptual,
programmatic and financial.
Each project starts with a clear and focused analysis beforehand. An analysis of the place and the requirements but also the underlying question. The latter can be through interviews, financial modeling or workshops. On the basis of analysis an intelligent answer to the question can be given. But it also allows all possibilities to be explored to the full.
CUBE uses architecture as a strategic tool in a creative process. Not vice versa. Creativity does not mainly make beautiful drawings. It is the ability to create new or unusual solutions to existing problems. Combining knowledge and
establishing links, the work of CUBE always comprise more than just the design.
CUBE has a broad experience in developing specialized components for special projects.
CUBE believes a project should make as little an impact on our environment as possible within it’s boundaries. There are numerous possibilities in energy efficient solutions and sustainable materials. CUBE is a Cool Endeavour company,
working closely with its partners on a more sustainable world.