WE architecture is a young innovating architecture office, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Our capability spans from architecture, urban strategies, tangible design and utopian ideas.
WE architecture was founded in 2008 by Marc Jay and Julie Schmidt-Nielsen. All of the partners are experienced project managers leading competitions in large high profile offices such as BIG, Skidmore, Owens and Merrill and Carmen Pinos.
Through employment in Barcelona, New York and by doing competitions and commissions abroad, the office has gained international experience and a worldwide network
of collaborators.
WE believes that the best result emerge through teamwork and transdisciplinary networks. That is why WE architecture works across continents as well as across
professional borders to enter complex conditions with the best insight and precision.
WE creates proposals that merge through creative translation of all the information we all get from contexts, conditions and programs.
WE architecture strives to push innovative architecture forward to improve the condition of the world. No less.Over the last year the office has been awarded in several open competitions, and has been invited to give lectures and teach at Aalborg University and DIS (Danish International Studies.)