Sergio Mannino Studio creates the Kensiegirl footwear showroom in New York
Brooklyn, NY
While utilizing the latest digital technologies, Mannino Studio defines the spirit of our times through mass customization of wallpapers, decals and laser-cut furniture. Through everyday fluorescent fixtures turned pink, digitally fabricated lamp shades and a display system reminiscent of 70s minimal art, the Studio was able to transform the showroom into a modern mental gymnasium of design, pattern and color, while at the same time complimenting the Kensiegirl brand.
The showroom is defined by a lighting system that emphasize the shelving system and the display areas giving the space a theatrical effect. This is obtained not only by an accurate selection of lighting fixtures but mainly by differentiating the flooring materials: a dark navy blue carpet in the showroom opposed to a bright “alaskan skies” concrete in the reception area. A metal halide type of wall washer and adjustable track lights have been selected for the display shelving, where an accurate reproduction of colors and contrast was required.