McDonald’s invited UXUS to create an inspiring children’s activity area for kids under 7 years of age, bringing the theme of “what I eat, what I do” to life. The concept embodies an inspiring, playful, educational and entertaining area within a McDonald’s restaurant no bigger than 20sqm in space. The entire McDonald’s project is a spatial application of graphic design. The aesthetic is playful, yet visually sophisticated, designed to enhance the overall atmosphere of the restaurant and please both the parents and children.
The experience consists of a series of “Cottages” with simple activities where kids can stimulate their imagination and “cook” up their own stories and games.
Each “Cottage” represents a phase of the journey food goes through before finally arriving at the dinner table. Special attention was paid to use durable materials to withstand the heavy usage; they also needed to be nontoxic and the vibrancy of the colours last. Through the use of mostly graphics combined with selected 3D play elements UXUS created one story which seeks to capture their imagination by presenting scenarios in which they become the “character” of a certain activity: Chefs in the Kitchen; Clerks at the Market; and Farmers at the Farm.