QR Code Room
  • 首页 > 住宅空间 > 公寓
  • 发布于 10年前
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  • Antoine
One of the rooms of the Fashion Hotel MODEZ in Arnhem - curated by Piet Paris - is designed by fashion designer Antoine Peters. The craft of patchwork and quilt inspired Peters to a contemporary translation of the QR-code. This is a checkered code which can be scanned with your smartphone and directs you to an image, text or movie. The entire space, walls, textile and furniture consist out of QR-codes. In the seemingly abstract room the guest is virtually surrounded by a much lesser abstract world. Scanning the codes guides you into the world of pornography, pin-ups and other piquancies.
Peters' collections are always subversive and socially critical and this project is no exception. Peters: "The room seems as abstract as it can be, but secretly you are surrounded by porn. The abstraction of the room symbolizes the fact piquancies are always extracted from the eye, but I think these just belong to hotel rooms. And anyway, aren't we surrounded by piquancies everywhere nowadays?"
Peters translated the concept into every detail. The lamps are square, the wallpaper and curtains contain QR-codes. The pillows and plaid are gigantic blown-up QR-codes, made in collaboration with Daphne de Jong. And together with Quinze & Milan he developed square poufs with a Qr-code lasered out of the top-relief.
标签: QR Code Room 墙面设计
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