The design-concept of the store uses an industrial basic-atmosphere to create an emotional bonding to the harbor of Hamburg. This is attained by the offensive handling of the raw concrete framing and bare technical installations.
The three-dimensional constructions, made from raw steel seize the basic-atmosphere by the material. They are backlit and rampantly growing across the walls and into the room, creating the major part of the hanging space for the clothes. Colored Shelves, fitted in the steel s, can be used for showing smaller items.
Placed in the L-shaped rear of the store, separating the salesroom from stock and lavatory, there’s a large cube containing an employee room and three fitting-rooms. Breaking up the design-concept on purpose, the three fitting-rooms tell “Stoffsüchtig“-tales. By the double- ed construction of the outer walls you can backlit the “radiant color“ plastic panels with LED-modules.
The furniture is made of plywood and a coarse fabric surface. Movable presenters in two different heights are giving space for laid goods and extra stock. It also can be supplemented with a hanging rail when needed. That’s why the structure of the store is flexible and staging space can be created at any time.
Two lustres made of fluorescent tubes and a 16 meters long light tube running across the upper third of the room are illuminating the store. In addition tripod lamps can be used for punctual light staging.